Thursday, May 9, 2013

Final Mind Map and Close Ups of Notes

Here is the final version of my Mind Map, "A Day in the Life."

 And here are close ups of each note...

Heritage- "Born in the South"

Heritage- "Where I'm From"

Heritage- "Family Traditions"

Love- "Friends"

Love- "Immediate Family"

Love- "Animals"

My Studies- "Double Major"

My Studies- "Photography"

Dreams- "Living it up in Cali"

Dreams- "The Dream Job"

Mind Map Power Point Presentation

Here is the link to the Mind Map Power Point

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Current Progress for Art Board

Here is my current progress for my mind map. I chose the song "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles as the title of my mind map. I've always been a huge fan of the Beatles so it's a good title for me. You can see the record and at the bottom you can see the song listed.

So far I have the Heritage Category done and I'm working on the Love Category. I only have family note done for that one.

Love Category- The first note complete- "Immediate Family"

Here is the first note for the Love category. It's called "Family." That really cute little girl in the bathing suit is my little sis. :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quiz- Mixer Brush Tool

I had no idea that Photoshop had such realistic options with the brushes....I didn't know that you could mix colors together to create a new one just like in real life. I had fun playing around with all the variety of brushes. I like the wet brush especially because I had always wondered how to blend colors efficiently.  

I tried different strokes (horizontal, diagonal, vertical). For example, you can see that I have two different strokes for the trees. It's not consistent, but I was just experimenting. I tried a diagonal on the left side and then horizontal on the right side. I like how the central tree ended up looking though.

Overall, this was a fun assignment and I'm glad I know how to use the brushes on a more comprehensive level.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Progress on Heritage Category

I finished my "Where I'm From Note" today....

I also finished my "Family Traditions" note...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Layout Plan for Mind Map

My layout for my mind map has changed.

I was going to do 5 large categories with 3 small collages for each. Now though, I plan to do 4 large categories and either 2 or 3 collages for each. After looking at the amount pictures I have for each category, I found it appropriate to change the layout. Some categories needed to be more separated and others didn't. Also, I think this 3 and 2 category layout will be more visually organized than the previous plan. For all of those reasons, I have changed the layout of my mind map.

Here are the specifics for each category:

Collage 1- Where I'm From
Collage 2- Family Traditions
Collage 3- Born in the South

My Studies
Collage 1- My Major (Music and Arts Management)
Collage 2- Photography

My Dreams
Collage 1- Living the Dream in California
Collage 2- Dream Career

Collage 1-Family
Collage 2- Friends
Collage 3- Animals

Monday, April 8, 2013

Test for duotone

This was a test for duotone. A fun assignment to do on the side. :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Where I'm From" Note

This is my progress for the "Where I'm From" note. I need to get more pictures from the computer at my house so I e-mailed my dad. Hopefully, I will be able to get more pics soon. :) I like all of the different varieties of black and white in this collage. They're all different colors, but it is still a cohesive color pallet.

Monday, April 1, 2013

First Test for Mind Map

So here is my test run for one note -specifically the category "Heritage" under the category "Where I'm From." 

I'm thinking that I will do three separate notes for each category. For example, in the "Heritage" note, there will be three separate notes under this category: "Where I'm From," "Born in South," and "Family Reunion." I will have 5 large categories all together: Heritage, Beliefs, My Studies, Love, and Dreams. 

These are pictures of my grandparents but also pictures of my family that immigrated from Germany. The two middle pics are the family from Germany. 

Other Future Plans: 

  • I will make a collage for each note and each note will be feathered in the shape. No hard edges.
  • There will be one big picture of me in the middle of the composition. It may be in the shape of my viola.....or it may might just be a pic of me with my viola. I also plan on signing my name on that pic.
  • I'm going to attempt to work on one of five the large categories each week. It may turn out that same categories take longer than others; thus, I may end up working on two in one week, but this is my general plan. 

As for now, I still need to gather more pics from my library and I need to determine if I need to take pics for some of the other categories.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mind Map Ideas

My idea visually will incorporate a staff with an alto clef and a whole note in the middle representing me. There will be 5 other notes around it that will represent the following: my studies, love, dreams, heritage, and beliefs. Inside each note will be a collage of pictures. Also, each of the 5 notes will be assigned a color. For example, the my studies note will have pictures relating to music, photography, and arts management. Although it will be a collage of these things, I will have a separate section in the collage for each topic. Below is an example of what one main 5 notes would look like.

Here is what I have so far....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finished Zoo Billboard

 Here is the finished product for the Tulsa Zoo Billboard. I added more to the top bird pattern and a transparent gradient as well. Finally, I added the text.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Current work for Zoo Billboard

I made an abstract pattern of cranes. Also, I put a filter on the birds.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tulsa Zoo Advertisement Ideas

I like the third idea the best because it's a play on words. The Tulsa zoo is actually located in Mohawk Park and it actually has a Grey Crowned Crane you can go see.

I also like the first idea as well because it gives the advertisement a personal feel.

I like the second idea because I think it could look quite visually pleasing.

Zoo Composition Inspirations

I found these adds for the zoo compelling.

I especially like the polar bear one. It has many elements of the zoo the make up one image. This strikes a chord with me because when I think of the Tulsa zoo I think of many different things, but ultimately it's about the animals.

I also really like the snake ad. Maybe I can spell out Tulsa Zoo with different animals....

I really like the tiger and antler ad because it gives people a chance to think about how it would feel to be an animal. Anytime an ad has a personal feel or you can see yourself in someone else's shoes, it really sticks out because we live in such an individualistic society.

The gorilla zoo ad is emulating a cologne ad, but it reminds me more of a movie poster. Maybe I will take a popular movie poster and make it into a Tulsa zoo ad.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tulsa Zoo Word List

Word List:

penguins, seals, polar bears, fun, summer, walking, hot, smelly, lemonade, lunch, sun glasses, ice cream, children, gift shop, elephants, lions, zebras, leopards, pandas, giraffes, monkeys, prairie dogs, fuzzy, fish, ponds, reptiles, snakes, slimy, caves, desert, different environmentsspiders, alligators, plants, endangered species, rehabilitation, baby animals, learning, education, field trip

The words in bold are the ones that stick out in my mind the most when I think about going to the Tulsa zoo. 

If you're wondering about why the word "caves" is in bold it's because the zoo has caves you can explore. I always loved exploring those. There are many different environments you can visit at the Tulsa zoo. For example, there's a desert, rain forest, ice land, and the caves (mentioned earlier). This is the lay out of the zoo. 

Spaceship Assignment

Here is the Spaceship assignment.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Final PSA

I just tightened my image even more by making the all the text at the bottom flush left. I also made sure there was enough room at the bottom so the text wouldn't get cut off. 

I made some final touches....

I added a humane society symbol on the bottom right hand corner. I changed the main logo's font (more bold). I  made "support the buyout" much smaller. I made stand out so the viewer will instantly know which website to go to. Also, I inserted "Canadian"in the description so that audience would know that this is a Canadian problem. Lastly, I changed a few colors of things, too.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Finished Seal PSA

Here is my finished version. I added some text explaining the buyout and what you can do. I played around with the the light by burning around the snow and dodging around the seal. I also added a shadow to the whole poster. This sense of lighting gives the ad more depth.