Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quiz- Mixer Brush Tool

I had no idea that Photoshop had such realistic options with the brushes....I didn't know that you could mix colors together to create a new one just like in real life. I had fun playing around with all the variety of brushes. I like the wet brush especially because I had always wondered how to blend colors efficiently.  

I tried different strokes (horizontal, diagonal, vertical). For example, you can see that I have two different strokes for the trees. It's not consistent, but I was just experimenting. I tried a diagonal on the left side and then horizontal on the right side. I like how the central tree ended up looking though.

Overall, this was a fun assignment and I'm glad I know how to use the brushes on a more comprehensive level.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Progress on Heritage Category

I finished my "Where I'm From Note" today....

I also finished my "Family Traditions" note...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Layout Plan for Mind Map

My layout for my mind map has changed.

I was going to do 5 large categories with 3 small collages for each. Now though, I plan to do 4 large categories and either 2 or 3 collages for each. After looking at the amount pictures I have for each category, I found it appropriate to change the layout. Some categories needed to be more separated and others didn't. Also, I think this 3 and 2 category layout will be more visually organized than the previous plan. For all of those reasons, I have changed the layout of my mind map.

Here are the specifics for each category:

Collage 1- Where I'm From
Collage 2- Family Traditions
Collage 3- Born in the South

My Studies
Collage 1- My Major (Music and Arts Management)
Collage 2- Photography

My Dreams
Collage 1- Living the Dream in California
Collage 2- Dream Career

Collage 1-Family
Collage 2- Friends
Collage 3- Animals

Monday, April 8, 2013

Test for duotone

This was a test for duotone. A fun assignment to do on the side. :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Where I'm From" Note

This is my progress for the "Where I'm From" note. I need to get more pictures from the computer at my house so I e-mailed my dad. Hopefully, I will be able to get more pics soon. :) I like all of the different varieties of black and white in this collage. They're all different colors, but it is still a cohesive color pallet.

Monday, April 1, 2013

First Test for Mind Map

So here is my test run for one note -specifically the category "Heritage" under the category "Where I'm From." 

I'm thinking that I will do three separate notes for each category. For example, in the "Heritage" note, there will be three separate notes under this category: "Where I'm From," "Born in South," and "Family Reunion." I will have 5 large categories all together: Heritage, Beliefs, My Studies, Love, and Dreams. 

These are pictures of my grandparents but also pictures of my family that immigrated from Germany. The two middle pics are the family from Germany. 

Other Future Plans: 

  • I will make a collage for each note and each note will be feathered in the shape. No hard edges.
  • There will be one big picture of me in the middle of the composition. It may be in the shape of my viola.....or it may might just be a pic of me with my viola. I also plan on signing my name on that pic.
  • I'm going to attempt to work on one of five the large categories each week. It may turn out that same categories take longer than others; thus, I may end up working on two in one week, but this is my general plan. 

As for now, I still need to gather more pics from my library and I need to determine if I need to take pics for some of the other categories.