Thursday, May 9, 2013

Final Mind Map and Close Ups of Notes

Here is the final version of my Mind Map, "A Day in the Life."

 And here are close ups of each note...

Heritage- "Born in the South"

Heritage- "Where I'm From"

Heritage- "Family Traditions"

Love- "Friends"

Love- "Immediate Family"

Love- "Animals"

My Studies- "Double Major"

My Studies- "Photography"

Dreams- "Living it up in Cali"

Dreams- "The Dream Job"

Mind Map Power Point Presentation

Here is the link to the Mind Map Power Point

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Current Progress for Art Board

Here is my current progress for my mind map. I chose the song "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles as the title of my mind map. I've always been a huge fan of the Beatles so it's a good title for me. You can see the record and at the bottom you can see the song listed.

So far I have the Heritage Category done and I'm working on the Love Category. I only have family note done for that one.

Love Category- The first note complete- "Immediate Family"

Here is the first note for the Love category. It's called "Family." That really cute little girl in the bathing suit is my little sis. :)