Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tulsa Zoo Word List

Word List:

penguins, seals, polar bears, fun, summer, walking, hot, smelly, lemonade, lunch, sun glasses, ice cream, children, gift shop, elephants, lions, zebras, leopards, pandas, giraffes, monkeys, prairie dogs, fuzzy, fish, ponds, reptiles, snakes, slimy, caves, desert, different environmentsspiders, alligators, plants, endangered species, rehabilitation, baby animals, learning, education, field trip

The words in bold are the ones that stick out in my mind the most when I think about going to the Tulsa zoo. 

If you're wondering about why the word "caves" is in bold it's because the zoo has caves you can explore. I always loved exploring those. There are many different environments you can visit at the Tulsa zoo. For example, there's a desert, rain forest, ice land, and the caves (mentioned earlier). This is the lay out of the zoo. 

Spaceship Assignment

Here is the Spaceship assignment.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Final PSA

I just tightened my image even more by making the all the text at the bottom flush left. I also made sure there was enough room at the bottom so the text wouldn't get cut off. 

I made some final touches....

I added a humane society symbol on the bottom right hand corner. I changed the main logo's font (more bold). I  made "support the buyout" much smaller. I made stand out so the viewer will instantly know which website to go to. Also, I inserted "Canadian"in the description so that audience would know that this is a Canadian problem. Lastly, I changed a few colors of things, too.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Finished Seal PSA

Here is my finished version. I added some text explaining the buyout and what you can do. I played around with the the light by burning around the snow and dodging around the seal. I also added a shadow to the whole poster. This sense of lighting gives the ad more depth.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Seal PSA Work in Progress

Added the snowflake and the other slogan.

                                                   Here is my work in progress for the psa....

Inspirations for PSA

I thought these advertisements were eye catching. I really liked the use of large font on the black and white one and the use of split screen text on the top left one. As for the top right one, I thought it could help me picture what my ad would look like since I chose the pic of the seal staring off into space (similar to the dog staring up). Also, I really liked the solid color background on this ad.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cuddly Mood Board.

Here is my cuddly mood board. These are slogans I came up with. The cuddly pictures might get a larger audience because people won't want to look away although the violent pictures might catch the audience's attention more....

Violent Mood Board

This is my violent mood board for the "save the seals" psa. The other board will be cute and cuddly.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finished Product

Here is the finished product.

The last finishing touches were bluring and darkening the background, repositioning the hand, moving/blurring the pole into the horse, and erasing around the edges of the horse/pole/hand.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Current Work

Burned the hand so it wouldn't stick out so much...

Burned the background so it wasn't so bright. 

Got rid of the water mark on the hand...

                                                      Here is what it looks like currently....

Work in Progress

Here was the work I did last night.